Leadership Announcement
Jan 11, 2023

The Willow Lake Métis Nation is formally announcing the resignation of CEO, Justin Bourque effective January 10, 2023. Justin will also be stepping down from his director and officer positions on the Willow Lake Métis Nation as well as the Willow Lake Métis Nation Group of Companies. 

While the news may be unexpected it has been with great reflection by all parties involved. This announcement is a natural progression for Justin as well as the Willow Lake Métis Nation. Both, separately and together, have had a momentous year that will catalyze tremendous opportunity and growth. 

Justin was an important part of the Willow Lake Métis Nation, with his strong leadership and dedication towards our vision as a Nation. As we move forward into 2023, we are fortunate that we had Justin’s passion to help guide us this far and are confident that we will continue to progress the future for our Nation. 

Justin will continue to be a champion in advocating for Métis rights and progression. We will no doubt be interfacing with him and interacting as we both remain strong voices in the energy industry and in Alberta government relations. 

Our intention is to stay communicative throughout the process as we fill the capacity and positions this announcement leaves.

All correspondence that would have been directed to Justin should be forwarded directly to Stella Lavallee, President of the Willow Lake Métis Nation.

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